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Resuming school with what I have then, Every one in my class felt my assets without looking back, lady said as she slid through her old videos

The first day back at school was quite an experience for me. As I walked into my classroom, I could feel eyes on me, but when I turned around, everyone seemed to be avoiding eye contact. Confused, I took my seat and tried to focus on the lesson. Suddenly, one of my classmates reached out and touched my belongings without any hesitation. Soon, I realized that everyone in the class was doing the same thing. It felt incredibly invasive, and I couldn’t understand why they were acting this way.
As the day progressed, I couldn’t shake off the discomfort of being constantly touched by others without any explanation or consent. It made me question what was happening and why nobody seemed to care about personal boundaries. The constant feeling of being objectified and having my assets examined like objects was deeply disconcerting. It was as if I had been reduced to nothing more than the things I possessed, completely dehumanizing.
Reflecting on the incident later, I realized that it was a poignant reminder of the erosion of personal privacy in our society. The digital age has made it easier for information to spread and for boundaries to be crossed. The lady’s old videos, as she slid through them, symbolized a nostalgic attitude towards a time when privacy was valued more. The incident served as a wake-up call for me to be more aware of my own privacy and boundaries, and to respect those of others as well.