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Amazing thing I do with my time that keeps my Kpékus healthy pretty lady tell fans – Video



Taking care of my Kpékus, or terrarium of African dwarf frogs, has become one of the most fascinating and fulfilling hobbies I have ever had. These tiny aquatic creatures require specific environment conditions and proper care to stay healthy and happy. I spend a significant amount of time researching and implementing strategies to create the perfect habitat for them. From water temperature and filtration systems to feeding schedules and tank maintenance, I ensure that my Kpékus thrive and flourish.

Maintaining the ideal water conditions for my Kpékus is crucial. These frogs are sensitive to changes in water temperature, so I diligently monitor and regulate it. I also use a high-quality filtration system to keep the water clean and free from toxins. Additionally, I regularly test the water for pH levels and adjust it if necessary. Ensuring their environment mimics their natural habitat helps to keep my Kpékus healthy and happy.

Feeding my Kpékus is another essential aspect of their care. I take pride in providing them with a diverse diet that meets their nutritional needs. Their primary diet consists of specially formulated frog pellets, but I also supplement this with live or frozen foods, such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. The combination of a balanced diet and regular feeding schedule keeps my Kpékus well-fed and satisfied.